Scheduled and Charter flights

Serving the Northwest Territories and Alberta for over 50 years.
Book a FlightFlight Schedule

- Attention Yellowknife Passengers -

All flights and cargo now leave from the Air Tindi Flight Centre.

Check in, departure and Arrivals will be at the Air Tindi counter.
107 Berry St. Yellowknife
Please note you must check in no later than 45 minutes prior to your departure time.
If you arrive later, the gate will be closed and you will be unable to board and catch your flight from Yellowknife to Fort Smith.

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Special Rate: Wyndham Garden Edmonton Airport

Special Rate: Wyndham Garden Edmonton Airport

Special rate for Northwestern Air Lease customers - single / double occupancy The Wyndham Garden Edmonton Airport is the NEWEST FULL SERVICE Airport hotel in Leduc area. Located only 5 minutes from the Edmonton International Airport with easy access to highway 2. 15...

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Chartered Flights

24-hour charter service offers you the flexibility to choose your own schedule.


We’ll ensure your cargo gets where it needs to be intact and on time.


Our Engineers offer years of industry experience. We also have a vast inventory of aircraft parts.

Fuel & Hangars

24-hour self-serve or full-service fuel and hangar services at our company headquarters.